Kaminote Kids

Child development support and after-school day care services

Kami no Te Kids

Child Development Support mainly provides preschool-aged children with disabilities or children with potential disabilities with developmental support to help them achieve their developmental tasks according to their individual disability status and developmental process and characteristics, as well as support for their families, who form the foundation of their children's development.
After-school day care services are available for school-aged children from 6 to 18 years old, and if deemed necessary, may be used until the age of 20.

Features of Kaminote Kids

Kaminote Kids will provide support in cooperation with daycare centers, certified kindergartens, kindergartens, elementary schools, special support schools (mainly kindergartens and elementary schools), etc. (hereinafter referred to as "daycare centers, etc.") in order to promote participation and inclusion in the local community. In addition to providing support in cooperation with daycare centers, certified kindergartens, kindergartens, elementary schools, special support schools (mainly kindergarten and elementary schools), etc. (hereinafter referred to as "daycare centers, etc."), we will strive to provide logistical support for daycare centers, etc. based on our expertise and experience.

There are many people with foreign roots living in Kani and Minokamo cities, and some of them have children who need support.
At Kaminote Kids, interpreter staff will be available.
English, Tagalog, Visayan, and Portuguese are available.
We will provide a reliable service using the native language of both parents and children.

Admission Procedures

Step1:Contact us or call

Please contact us using our contact form or call us directly.

Phone Number0574-66-3513

Step2:Fill out required forms

Please come to the school and fill out the application form. You are also welcome to tour the park♪

Step3:Entered nursery school♬

We will prepare the admission preparation documents on a case-by-case basis, depending on availability. We will call you when the preparations for enrollment are complete.

Kaminote Kids information

Facility capacity: 10 persons

Location: 3-11 Imawatari, Kani-shi, Gifu-ken

Telephone number: 0574-66-3513

Hours: 09:00-18:00 (Mon-Fri)

   10:00-16:00 (Sat.)